
Combinatii de culori si palete cromatice

Culoarea este unul dintre cele mai fundamentale și influente aspecte ale designului interior. Alegerea culorilor este un factor major în determinarea succesului sau eșecului unei scheme decorative. Utilizarea atentă a culorii poate unifica mobilierul și finisajele pentru a produce un rezultat coeziv și plăcut. Culoarea joacă un rol major în definirea stării de spirit a unei scheme și astfel designerul ar trebui să permită conceptului de design vizual (derivat din brief), împreună cu luarea în considerare a formei și proporțiilor unei camere, să ghideze și să informeze selecția culorilor în pentru a obține efectul dorit.

În universul culorilor, o roată de culoare este un instrument esențial care ne ajută să înțelegem relația și interacțiunea dintre tonuri, nuanțe și saturație. Este un aliat valoros pentru orice designer de interior, oferind linii directoare pentru crearea de combinații atrăgătoare și echilibrate din punct de vedere vizual.

Roata de culori este formată din culori primare (roșu, albastru și galben), culori secundare (portocaliu, verde și violet) și culori terțiare (rezultate dintr-un amestec de culori primare și secundare). Aranjarea circulară a culorilor vă permite să vizualizați relațiile dintre culori și facilitează crearea de scheme armonioase.

Folosind roata de culori, puteți explora diferite scheme de culori, cum ar fi:

  • Culorile complementare: culorile opuse (cum ar fi albastrul și portocaliul, de exemplu) oferă contraste solide și vibrante;
  • Culori analoge: culorile adiacente de pe roată (cum ar fi verde și galben) creează combinații blânde, armonioase;
  • Culorile triadice: acestea sunt culori distanțate egal pe roată (cum ar fi violet și portocaliu), care oferă echilibru și vivacitate.

Tipul potrivit de schemă de culori pentru interioare poate schimba complet aspectul și senzația oricărui spațiu. Prin urmare, trebuie să știi să alegi paleta de culori perfectă pentru a-ți îmbiba casa. În primul rând, trebuie să găsiți inspirație, care poate proveni din unele lucrări de artă sau chiar din scene naturale.

De asemenea, trebuie să luați în considerare valoarea culorii, care se referă la întunericul sau luminozitatea nuanței. O combinație de valori vă ajută să economisiți din haosul de culori în rezultatul final. Alegeți o culoare întunecată, una deschisă și o culoare strălucitoare pentru fiecare cameră.

Iată câteva exemple bune de combinații de culori:


Hiring and promotion are key to fulfilling HE mission in this situations

Creative agencies are probably one of the most exciting places to work at. However, working at an agency isn’t the right fit for everyone. Besides being creative, it requires a sense of selflessness, and an underlying desire to see a job done well. You also have to be happy with the project management part of the job.

One of the first land to be trodden down by a human foot is China and also of those that were soon the cradle of a developed culture.

From those times of incipient social organization to the present day several millennia have passed, many things have changed, including the physical aspect of the country. Generations of Chinese have changed. New philosophical ideas have surpassed previous ones. Powerful emperors have dethroned their predecessors. But as something unrepeatable, the Chinese people have remained unalterably faithful to an idea of ​​life that goes beyond historical and philosophical concepts.

Like a fatality or a design, it is this idea of ​​fidelity to the country that has led them to remain to cling to their territory, overcoming wars, ruthless rulers and natural disasters. Locked in themselves like a turtle when it takes refuge in its shell they have waited for better times to be reborn with renewed strength and an unstoppable impulse.

Precisely the idea that has marked them has always been difficult to interpret from the point of view of the logic that the Westerners use. Perhaps the mystery and fascination that we feel emanate from China lie in the conceptual differences that separate our cultures.

Why China is a Center of Attraction For Travelers and Tourism Companies?

The first factor that affects to turn China into a pole of attraction for tourism is the vastness of the territory, about twenty times the land of Germany, which allows treasuring a great landscape and climatic diversity. Another element that invites to Discover China Tourism is that of having lived closed in itself during centuries, when it was the most refined and inventive civilization of the planet, leaving a rich cultural and historical heritage.

As the land of China has a strong unfolded history and the land is full of historic places; tourism itself flourished here once the world started to know a little about China and its people. On the other hand, the prospered culture and modern facilities in China boosted the tourism platforms to work energetically.

The inducement for China Tourism is countless, ranging from places as outstanding for their originality as the Great Wall or the Forbidden City to other attractions such as the Silk Road.

In any corner of China, you will find places whose name in itself evokes mystery, exoticism or a deep historical burden. Just by naming Tibet, Shanghai, Gobi, Yangtze or Yellow River, opens a fascinating world in the subconscious, stored in the mind since the time of our youth readings.


Top Challenges for Agencies in 2020

Creative agencies are probably one of the most exciting places to work at. However, working at an agency isn’t the right fit for everyone. Besides being creative, it requires a sense of selflessness, and an underlying desire to see a job done well. You also have to be happy with the project management part of the job.

One of the first land to be trodden down by a human foot is China and also of those that were soon the cradle of a developed culture.

From those times of incipient social organization to the present day several millennia have passed, many things have changed, including the physical aspect of the country. Generations of Chinese have changed. New philosophical ideas have surpassed previous ones. Powerful emperors have dethroned their predecessors. But as something unrepeatable, the Chinese people have remained unalterably faithful to an idea of ​​life that goes beyond historical and philosophical concepts.

Like a fatality or a design, it is this idea of ​​fidelity to the country that has led them to remain to cling to their territory, overcoming wars, ruthless rulers and natural disasters. Locked in themselves like a turtle when it takes refuge in its shell they have waited for better times to be reborn with renewed strength and an unstoppable impulse.

Precisely the idea that has marked them has always been difficult to interpret from the point of view of the logic that the Westerners use. Perhaps the mystery and fascination that we feel emanate from China lie in the conceptual differences that separate our cultures.

Why China is a Center of Attraction For Travelers and Tourism Companies?

The first factor that affects to turn China into a pole of attraction for tourism is the vastness of the territory, about twenty times the land of Germany, which allows treasuring a great landscape and climatic diversity. Another element that invites to Discover China Tourism is that of having lived closed in itself during centuries, when it was the most refined and inventive civilization of the planet, leaving a rich cultural and historical heritage.

As the land of China has a strong unfolded history and the land is full of historic places; tourism itself flourished here once the world started to know a little about China and its people. On the other hand, the prospered culture and modern facilities in China boosted the tourism platforms to work energetically.

The inducement for China Tourism is countless, ranging from places as outstanding for their originality as the Great Wall or the Forbidden City to other attractions such as the Silk Road.

In any corner of China, you will find places whose name in itself evokes mystery, exoticism or a deep historical burden. Just by naming Tibet, Shanghai, Gobi, Yangtze or Yellow River, opens a fascinating world in the subconscious, stored in the mind since the time of our youth readings.


How AI Can Boost Your Company Results

Creative agencies are probably one of the most exciting places to work at. However, working at an agency isn’t the right fit for everyone. Besides being creative, it requires a sense of selflessness, and an underlying desire to see a job done well. You also have to be happy with the project management part of the job.

One of the first land to be trodden down by a human foot is China and also of those that were soon the cradle of a developed culture.

From those times of incipient social organization to the present day several millennia have passed, many things have changed, including the physical aspect of the country. Generations of Chinese have changed. New philosophical ideas have surpassed previous ones. Powerful emperors have dethroned their predecessors. But as something unrepeatable, the Chinese people have remained unalterably faithful to an idea of ​​life that goes beyond historical and philosophical concepts.

Like a fatality or a design, it is this idea of ​​fidelity to the country that has led them to remain to cling to their territory, overcoming wars, ruthless rulers and natural disasters. Locked in themselves like a turtle when it takes refuge in its shell they have waited for better times to be reborn with renewed strength and an unstoppable impulse.

Precisely the idea that has marked them has always been difficult to interpret from the point of view of the logic that the Westerners use. Perhaps the mystery and fascination that we feel emanate from China lie in the conceptual differences that separate our cultures.

Why China is a Center of Attraction For Travelers and Tourism Companies?

The first factor that affects to turn China into a pole of attraction for tourism is the vastness of the territory, about twenty times the land of Germany, which allows treasuring a great landscape and climatic diversity. Another element that invites to Discover China Tourism is that of having lived closed in itself during centuries, when it was the most refined and inventive civilization of the planet, leaving a rich cultural and historical heritage.

As the land of China has a strong unfolded history and the land is full of historic places; tourism itself flourished here once the world started to know a little about China and its people. On the other hand, the prospered culture and modern facilities in China boosted the tourism platforms to work energetically.

The inducement for China Tourism is countless, ranging from places as outstanding for their originality as the Great Wall or the Forbidden City to other attractions such as the Silk Road.

In any corner of China, you will find places whose name in itself evokes mystery, exoticism or a deep historical burden. Just by naming Tibet, Shanghai, Gobi, Yangtze or Yellow River, opens a fascinating world in the subconscious, stored in the mind since the time of our youth readings.


6 Ideas from VICE and Scoro on the Future of Work

Creative agencies are probably one of the most exciting places to work at. However, working at an agency isn’t the right fit for everyone. Besides being creative, it requires a sense of selflessness, and an underlying desire to see a job done well. You also have to be happy with the project management part of the job.

One of the first land to be trodden down by a human foot is China and also of those that were soon the cradle of a developed culture.

From those times of incipient social organization to the present day several millennia have passed, many things have changed, including the physical aspect of the country. Generations of Chinese have changed. New philosophical ideas have surpassed previous ones. Powerful emperors have dethroned their predecessors. But as something unrepeatable, the Chinese people have remained unalterably faithful to an idea of ​​life that goes beyond historical and philosophical concepts.

Like a fatality or a design, it is this idea of ​​fidelity to the country that has led them to remain to cling to their territory, overcoming wars, ruthless rulers and natural disasters. Locked in themselves like a turtle when it takes refuge in its shell they have waited for better times to be reborn with renewed strength and an unstoppable impulse.

Precisely the idea that has marked them has always been difficult to interpret from the point of view of the logic that the Westerners use. Perhaps the mystery and fascination that we feel emanate from China lie in the conceptual differences that separate our cultures.

Why China is a Center of Attraction For Travelers and Tourism Companies?

The first factor that affects to turn China into a pole of attraction for tourism is the vastness of the territory, about twenty times the land of Germany, which allows treasuring a great landscape and climatic diversity. Another element that invites to Discover China Tourism is that of having lived closed in itself during centuries, when it was the most refined and inventive civilization of the planet, leaving a rich cultural and historical heritage.

As the land of China has a strong unfolded history and the land is full of historic places; tourism itself flourished here once the world started to know a little about China and its people. On the other hand, the prospered culture and modern facilities in China boosted the tourism platforms to work energetically.

The inducement for China Tourism is countless, ranging from places as outstanding for their originality as the Great Wall or the Forbidden City to other attractions such as the Silk Road.

In any corner of China, you will find places whose name in itself evokes mystery, exoticism or a deep historical burden. Just by naming Tibet, Shanghai, Gobi, Yangtze or Yellow River, opens a fascinating world in the subconscious, stored in the mind since the time of our youth readings.


Artificial Intelligence: Mind-Boggling Future Predictions in 2019

Creative agencies are probably one of the most exciting places to work at. However, working at an agency isn’t the right fit for everyone. Besides being creative, it requires a sense of selflessness, and an underlying desire to see a job done well. You also have to be happy with the project management part of the job.

One of the first land to be trodden down by a human foot is China and also of those that were soon the cradle of a developed culture.

From those times of incipient social organization to the present day several millennia have passed, many things have changed, including the physical aspect of the country. Generations of Chinese have changed. New philosophical ideas have surpassed previous ones. Powerful emperors have dethroned their predecessors. But as something unrepeatable, the Chinese people have remained unalterably faithful to an idea of ​​life that goes beyond historical and philosophical concepts.

Like a fatality or a design, it is this idea of ​​fidelity to the country that has led them to remain to cling to their territory, overcoming wars, ruthless rulers and natural disasters. Locked in themselves like a turtle when it takes refuge in its shell they have waited for better times to be reborn with renewed strength and an unstoppable impulse.

Precisely the idea that has marked them has always been difficult to interpret from the point of view of the logic that the Westerners use. Perhaps the mystery and fascination that we feel emanate from China lie in the conceptual differences that separate our cultures.

Why China is a Center of Attraction For Travelers and Tourism Companies?

The first factor that affects to turn China into a pole of attraction for tourism is the vastness of the territory, about twenty times the land of Germany, which allows treasuring a great landscape and climatic diversity. Another element that invites to Discover China Tourism is that of having lived closed in itself during centuries, when it was the most refined and inventive civilization of the planet, leaving a rich cultural and historical heritage.

As the land of China has a strong unfolded history and the land is full of historic places; tourism itself flourished here once the world started to know a little about China and its people. On the other hand, the prospered culture and modern facilities in China boosted the tourism platforms to work energetically.

The inducement for China Tourism is countless, ranging from places as outstanding for their originality as the Great Wall or the Forbidden City to other attractions such as the Silk Road.

In any corner of China, you will find places whose name in itself evokes mystery, exoticism or a deep historical burden. Just by naming Tibet, Shanghai, Gobi, Yangtze or Yellow River, opens a fascinating world in the subconscious, stored in the mind since the time of our youth readings.


Get Known To Unknown Side Of The Asian Giant

Creative agencies are probably one of the most exciting places to work at. However, working at an agency isn’t the right fit for everyone. Besides being creative, it requires a sense of selflessness, and an underlying desire to see a job done well. You also have to be happy with the project management part of the job.

One of the first land to be trodden down by a human foot is China and also of those that were soon the cradle of a developed culture.

From those times of incipient social organization to the present day several millennia have passed, many things have changed, including the physical aspect of the country. Generations of Chinese have changed. New philosophical ideas have surpassed previous ones. Powerful emperors have dethroned their predecessors. But as something unrepeatable, the Chinese people have remained unalterably faithful to an idea of ​​life that goes beyond historical and philosophical concepts.

Like a fatality or a design, it is this idea of ​​fidelity to the country that has led them to remain to cling to their territory, overcoming wars, ruthless rulers and natural disasters. Locked in themselves like a turtle when it takes refuge in its shell they have waited for better times to be reborn with renewed strength and an unstoppable impulse.

Precisely the idea that has marked them has always been difficult to interpret from the point of view of the logic that the Westerners use. Perhaps the mystery and fascination that we feel emanate from China lie in the conceptual differences that separate our cultures.

Why China is a Center of Attraction For Travelers and Tourism Companies?

The first factor that affects to turn China into a pole of attraction for tourism is the vastness of the territory, about twenty times the land of Germany, which allows treasuring a great landscape and climatic diversity. Another element that invites to Discover China Tourism is that of having lived closed in itself during centuries, when it was the most refined and inventive civilization of the planet, leaving a rich cultural and historical heritage.

As the land of China has a strong unfolded history and the land is full of historic places; tourism itself flourished here once the world started to know a little about China and its people. On the other hand, the prospered culture and modern facilities in China boosted the tourism platforms to work energetically.

The inducement for China Tourism is countless, ranging from places as outstanding for their originality as the Great Wall or the Forbidden City to other attractions such as the Silk Road.

In any corner of China, you will find places whose name in itself evokes mystery, exoticism or a deep historical burden. Just by naming Tibet, Shanghai, Gobi, Yangtze or Yellow River, opens a fascinating world in the subconscious, stored in the mind since the time of our youth readings.


Crisis is making online education economy go mainstream

Creative agencies are probably one of the most exciting places to work at. However, working at an agency isn’t the right fit for everyone. Besides being creative, it requires a sense of selflessness, and an underlying desire to see a job done well. You also have to be happy with the project management part of the job.

One of the first land to be trodden down by a human foot is China and also of those that were soon the cradle of a developed culture.

From those times of incipient social organization to the present day several millennia have passed, many things have changed, including the physical aspect of the country. Generations of Chinese have changed. New philosophical ideas have surpassed previous ones. Powerful emperors have dethroned their predecessors. But as something unrepeatable, the Chinese people have remained unalterably faithful to an idea of ​​life that goes beyond historical and philosophical concepts.

Like a fatality or a design, it is this idea of ​​fidelity to the country that has led them to remain to cling to their territory, overcoming wars, ruthless rulers and natural disasters. Locked in themselves like a turtle when it takes refuge in its shell they have waited for better times to be reborn with renewed strength and an unstoppable impulse.

Precisely the idea that has marked them has always been difficult to interpret from the point of view of the logic that the Westerners use. Perhaps the mystery and fascination that we feel emanate from China lie in the conceptual differences that separate our cultures.

Why China is a Center of Attraction For Travelers and Tourism Companies?

The first factor that affects to turn China into a pole of attraction for tourism is the vastness of the territory, about twenty times the land of Germany, which allows treasuring a great landscape and climatic diversity. Another element that invites to Discover China Tourism is that of having lived closed in itself during centuries, when it was the most refined and inventive civilization of the planet, leaving a rich cultural and historical heritage.

As the land of China has a strong unfolded history and the land is full of historic places; tourism itself flourished here once the world started to know a little about China and its people. On the other hand, the prospered culture and modern facilities in China boosted the tourism platforms to work energetically.

The inducement for China Tourism is countless, ranging from places as outstanding for their originality as the Great Wall or the Forbidden City to other attractions such as the Silk Road.

In any corner of China, you will find places whose name in itself evokes mystery, exoticism or a deep historical burden. Just by naming Tibet, Shanghai, Gobi, Yangtze or Yellow River, opens a fascinating world in the subconscious, stored in the mind since the time of our youth readings.


Students defy university ban on sheltering riot victims from china

Creative agencies are probably one of the most exciting places to work at. However, working at an agency isn’t the right fit for everyone. Besides being creative, it requires a sense of selflessness, and an underlying desire to see a job done well. You also have to be happy with the project management part of the job.

One of the first land to be trodden down by a human foot is China and also of those that were soon the cradle of a developed culture.

From those times of incipient social organization to the present day several millennia have passed, many things have changed, including the physical aspect of the country. Generations of Chinese have changed. New philosophical ideas have surpassed previous ones. Powerful emperors have dethroned their predecessors. But as something unrepeatable, the Chinese people have remained unalterably faithful to an idea of ​​life that goes beyond historical and philosophical concepts.

Like a fatality or a design, it is this idea of ​​fidelity to the country that has led them to remain to cling to their territory, overcoming wars, ruthless rulers and natural disasters. Locked in themselves like a turtle when it takes refuge in its shell they have waited for better times to be reborn with renewed strength and an unstoppable impulse.

Precisely the idea that has marked them has always been difficult to interpret from the point of view of the logic that the Westerners use. Perhaps the mystery and fascination that we feel emanate from China lie in the conceptual differences that separate our cultures.

Why China is a Center of Attraction For Travelers and Tourism Companies?

The first factor that affects to turn China into a pole of attraction for tourism is the vastness of the territory, about twenty times the land of Germany, which allows treasuring a great landscape and climatic diversity. Another element that invites to Discover China Tourism is that of having lived closed in itself during centuries, when it was the most refined and inventive civilization of the planet, leaving a rich cultural and historical heritage.

As the land of China has a strong unfolded history and the land is full of historic places; tourism itself flourished here once the world started to know a little about China and its people. On the other hand, the prospered culture and modern facilities in China boosted the tourism platforms to work energetically.

The inducement for China Tourism is countless, ranging from places as outstanding for their originality as the Great Wall or the Forbidden City to other attractions such as the Silk Road.

In any corner of China, you will find places whose name in itself evokes mystery, exoticism or a deep historical burden. Just by naming Tibet, Shanghai, Gobi, Yangtze or Yellow River, opens a fascinating world in the subconscious, stored in the mind since the time of our youth readings.


27 Best Organizational Tools to Enhance Your Work

Creative agencies are probably one of the most exciting places to work at. However, working at an agency isn’t the right fit for everyone. Besides being creative, it requires a sense of selflessness, and an underlying desire to see a job done well. You also have to be happy with the project management part of the job.

One of the first land to be trodden down by a human foot is China and also of those that were soon the cradle of a developed culture.

From those times of incipient social organization to the present day several millennia have passed, many things have changed, including the physical aspect of the country. Generations of Chinese have changed. New philosophical ideas have surpassed previous ones. Powerful emperors have dethroned their predecessors. But as something unrepeatable, the Chinese people have remained unalterably faithful to an idea of ​​life that goes beyond historical and philosophical concepts.

Like a fatality or a design, it is this idea of ​​fidelity to the country that has led them to remain to cling to their territory, overcoming wars, ruthless rulers and natural disasters. Locked in themselves like a turtle when it takes refuge in its shell they have waited for better times to be reborn with renewed strength and an unstoppable impulse.

Precisely the idea that has marked them has always been difficult to interpret from the point of view of the logic that the Westerners use. Perhaps the mystery and fascination that we feel emanate from China lie in the conceptual differences that separate our cultures.

Why China is a Center of Attraction For Travelers and Tourism Companies?

The first factor that affects to turn China into a pole of attraction for tourism is the vastness of the territory, about twenty times the land of Germany, which allows treasuring a great landscape and climatic diversity. Another element that invites to Discover China Tourism is that of having lived closed in itself during centuries, when it was the most refined and inventive civilization of the planet, leaving a rich cultural and historical heritage.

As the land of China has a strong unfolded history and the land is full of historic places; tourism itself flourished here once the world started to know a little about China and its people. On the other hand, the prospered culture and modern facilities in China boosted the tourism platforms to work energetically.

The inducement for China Tourism is countless, ranging from places as outstanding for their originality as the Great Wall or the Forbidden City to other attractions such as the Silk Road.

In any corner of China, you will find places whose name in itself evokes mystery, exoticism or a deep historical burden. Just by naming Tibet, Shanghai, Gobi, Yangtze or Yellow River, opens a fascinating world in the subconscious, stored in the mind since the time of our youth readings.